International Evaluation Committee | |
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University | Takashi NAKANO |
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba | Takashi NAKATSUKASA |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Engineering | Mutsuko HATANO |
National Institute for Materials Science | Kazuhiro HONO |
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo | Hiromi YOKOYAMA |
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern | Andreas TÜRLER |
Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds, Caen, France | Fanny FARGET |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids | Claudia FELSER |
University of Pittsburgh | Hrvoje PETEK |
Research Coordination and Promotion Office | |
Director | Hiroyuki KOURA |
Chief Editor | Mitsuharu NEGISHI |
Group Leader:K. Nishio
Understanding the existing limit of the heaviest elements and the chemical property of super-heavy element is the ultimate challenge. For this, we explore neutron rich actinide and super-heavy nuclei using multinucleon transfer reactions to unveil their nuclear and atomic structure, essential to answer these subjects.
Group Leader:H. Tamura (Tohoku University)
We investigate the properties and hierarchical structures of quark matter , hadrons, and nuclei interacting with the strong force, through studies of hadrons and nuclei including strange and charm quarks, and hot and dense matter with heavy-ion beams at the accelerators such as J-PARC, KEKB, and RHIC.
Group Leader:Y. Tokunaga
We explore and elucidate novel magnetic and superconducting phenomena emerging from strongly correlated electrons in actinide systems by using advanced single-crystal growth techniques and state-of-the-art measurement probes such as NMR and neutron scattering.
Group Leader:J. Ieda
We pursue innovative research subjects emerging from spin in solids such as spintronics, magnonics, gyromagnetics, strong correlation effect, and topological physics under the tight collaboration of theory and experiment.
Group Leader:K. Fukutani (The University of Tokyo)
The objective of our group is to explore exotic 2D materials/surfaces and hydrogen dynamics towards the development of new functionalities at surfaces and interfaces by taking advantage of advanced quantum beams.
Group Leader:T. Ichitsubo (Tohoku University)
Our group conducts basic and applied research to aim at creating materials that combine high resistance (or resistivity) to harsh and/or extreme conditions (such as irradiation, heat, and corrosion) and specific functions (such as magnetism, optical-, mechanical-, and electrochemical properties).
Group Leader:A. Hosaka (Osaka University)
Members from hadron, nuclear, cold-atom and condensed matter physics are working for their own researches, and also enhance interdisciplinary discussions to explore new physics ideas and methods.