All contributions for oral and poster presentations are invited. Abstracts of one page PDF (download a LaTeX template and sample and follow the instructions in the template) including figures and references should be submitted via e-mail by Apr. 30, 2023.
(If you wish to use other formats such as Microsoft Word or have problems for the template, please ask .)

Information for submitting your abstract
Please include following information in the e-mail when you submit an abstract.
1. select a topic from Conference Topics in the conference web page (or Others if no relevant topics)
2. select a category "Experiment" or "Theory"
3. select a preferred presentation type "Oral" or "Poster"
The e-mail subject and the file name should be "fusion23 abstract submission" and "[Family name]_abstract.pdf" (for instance, "einstein_abstract.pdf").

The submitting author will receive a confirmation E-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail, your abstract may not have been received and you are advised to contact .

EPJ Web of Conference