J-PARC Heavy Ion Project

What is J-PARC-HI?

J-PARC-HI is a future physics program with acceleration of heavy-ion beams at J-PARC. In this program, we study properties of dense matter produced in heavy-ion collisions at the baryon density of 5-10 times as high as the normal nuclear density close to the neutron star core. Heavy-ion beams from p to U with the energies of 1-19 AGeV (corresponding to sqrt(snn) = 2-6.2 GeV) with the expected world's highest beam rate of 1011 Hz will be accelerated with a new heavy-ion injector consisting of a linac and a booster ring, and the two existing synchrotrons 3 GeV RCS (Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron) and 50 GeV MR (Main Ring synchrotron). A fixed-target experiment will be performed with a large acceptance J-PARC Heavy-Ion Toroidal Spectrometer (JHITS) to measure leptons (e and μ), (exotic)hadrons with light, s, and c quarks, and photons, and (hyper)nuclei with unexplored high statistics. One of the major physics objectives of this program are to determine the QCD phase structures such as a critical point and phase boundaries using event-by-event fluctuations and dileptons, and to determine the equation of state of dense nuclear matter using flow and correlations.


J-PARC-HI (J-PARC heavy ion project) proposal (draft 2018.12.12)


Proposal draft
White Paper Updated (version-1.21)
White Paper Updated (version-1.20)
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