Old webpage is Here.

Welcome to the webpage of Nuclear Physics Subgroup in the Research Group for Heavy Element Nuclear Science


Welcome to the webpage of Nuclear Physics Subgroup in the Research Group for Heavy Element Nuclear Science. Presently, phsyics subgroup consists of 10 people.
The main subjects of the subgroups research are: fusion-fission; quasi-fission; fission induced by surrogate reactions; neutron time-of-flight, etc. The subgroup has strong theory support - Drs. Y. Utsuno and H. Koura. The subgroup peforms experiments at the JAEA tandem, and J-PARC. Apart of 'home' experimental program, members of the subgroup are involved in close collaboration with SHIP (GSI), ISOLDE (CERN), GARIS (RIKEN), University of York, HRIBF(ORNL)...

Announcements (2015-)

News (2015-)

Old news is Here.

Group Poster (as of 2014)


Figure : Tamdem Accelerator Please see here.

Equipment and detecter


Figure: Recoil Mass Separator: Equipment for the measurements of recoiling nuclei produced by heavy ion reaction.



Figure: Silicon ΔE-E detector for Surrogate Reaction Study.