1. "Non-Hermitian Casimir effect of magnons",
    K. Nakata and K. Suzuki,
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  3. "Inelastic neutron scattering study of magnon excitation by ultrasound injection in yttrium iron garnet",
    S. Shamoto, M. Akatsu, L.-J. Chang, Y. Nemoto, and J. Ieda,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 112402 (2024).
  4. "Persistent magnetic coherence in magnets",
    T. Makiuchi, T. Hioki, H. Shimizu, K. Hoshi, M. Elyasi, K. Yamamoto, N. Yokoi, A. A. Serga, B. Hillebrands, G. E. W. Bauer, and E. Saitoh,
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  5. "Emergent magneto-inductancce effect in permalloy thin films on flexible polycarbonate substrates at room temperature",
    Y. Matsushima, Z. Zhang, Y. Ohashi, T. Hatakeyama, G. Xiao, T. Funato, M. Matsuo, and H. Kaiju,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 022404 (2024).
  6. "Optimizing Motion-Induced Spin Transfer",
    D. Oue and M. Matsuo,
    Physica Status Solidi (b).

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