Message from Director of ASRC
February 5, 2016
On behalf of the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), I would like to welcome all of you to the 28th Reimei Workshop which will be held in Tokai-mura, Japan on February 25-26, 2016.
This workshop is one of the activities of the Reimei Research projects of ASRC on bio- and phyto-remediation of anthoropogenic radionuclides and on treatment of radioactive contaminated water by newly developed geopolymer. In the Workshop, a special session on basic science on environmental cleanup will be organized by Prof. Bernd Grambow, SUBATECH, France.
I hope you have a very valuable and, at the same time, enjoyable two days.
Sadamichi Maekawa
Director of ASRC, JAEA