30th Anniversary Ceremony and Symposia of the Advanced Science Research Center

Date: 2023, December 6 (Wed.) and 7 (Thur.)
Venue: Tokai Culture Center and neighboring places (see flyer)

What's New

Message from ASRC Director General, Koki Takanashi

This year the Advanced Science Research Center at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency is celebrating its 30th anniversary.
Throughout this period, our research center managed to navigate successfully through several changes, such as the reorganization of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) into JAEA, and came to celebrate its 30th anniversary.
I am deeply grateful for the tremendous support that we received from the large community of colleagues and friends involved in fundamental research.

Therefore, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its establishment, we will be holding a commemorative event to reflect on the history of Advanced Science Research Center and to think about our future.

If your schedule allows it I kindly ask you to attend.


2023, December 6 (Wed.)

2023, December 7 (Thur.)


Please use the registration form to let us know whether or not you will be attending by Friday, November 24th.

Registration desk

The registration desk will open at 12:30 on December 6 and 9:00 on December 7. If you have applied for the participation of the party on December 6 and/or have ordered the lunch box for December 7, you will be asked to pay by cash. The fee is 2,000 JPY for the party and 500 JPY for the lunch. We would appreciate it if you could pay the exact amount.


Please download the program for the Ceremony and for the Party on December 6 and the program for the Symposia on December 7.


Special lecture (Dec. 6)

Keynote talks (Dec. 7, morning)

Invited talks (Dec. 7, afternoon, nuclear-science session)

Invited talks (Dec. 7, afternoon, condensed-matter and materials-science session)

Access to the venue

For access, please check the poster above. You can also download the PDF file of the poster here. The party (banquet) will be held at iVil, which is located about 500 m away from the venue of the ceremony.


Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency


If you have any questions, please contact the 30th Anniversary Events Secretariat of the Advanced Research Center at asrc-30th-anniv@jaea.go.jp.

Last Update October, 12, 2023